
Current version: 0.06

V 0.01; In this version, I attempted to do what I am doing now, and code a site from scratch on a site which hosts code. Neocities is nice, but I wished I had more experience coding in HTML and CSS.

V 0.02; In this version, I moved towards finding a free webhost for the site and with an interactive setup, making desgining easier. I went with 000webhost, and I DO NOT reccomend the service. I will get to that soon.

V 0.03; In this version, still on the other hosting site, I added in wordpress, and desgined a fairly good site to be honest. However, I then learned that the hosting site had a bad rep, with all sorts of horror stories about website being taken down without legitiment reason. Thus, I deleted my site, and went back full circle, to neocities.

V 0.04; In this version, I finalized the menu and gave it the a more or less meh look. Left the site for tomorrow.

V 0.05; Added a header for Archive and Changelog, and added the actual changelog text. Posted first post containing the general idea of the site in the main page.

V 0.06; Messed up the posts on the front page, made a ( hopefully ) temporary fix until I can make an input-output system for posts. Making second post, still in progress.